In early 2017, several Columbians began bouncing around the idea of creating a leadership seminar for our young entrepreneur Columbians.  This idea became a reality when the inaugural Columbian Community Impact program was launched the summer of 2017.  A campaign set forth to introduce this concept to our Harrison Society members with an end goal that all participating Columbians will know how to apply leadership basics in both their personal and professional lives.  The first class of Columbians to complete this 9 month training course received their commencement certificates on May 8, 2018. This fine young group of men and women have gained valuable insight and knowledge from our volunteer Columbians, who selflessly gave their time to foster and enrich the talents of our future leaders. Many of these graduated candidates have volunteered their services to community organizations and internal Columbia Club committees.

Indianapolis has a proud history of community leadership and our goal is to help guide young Columbian entrepreneurs on ways to identify their own passions, while growing the pipeline of civic talent among our membership.

This leadership series will mentor you on ways to get involved on a civic level that will begin to define your legacy. Columbians are eager to share their knowledge because with the right set of tools… everyone can make a difference!

2024 CCI Application


Matt Freel, Inaugural CCI Participant and Membership Committee Chair 2018-2019
"The CCI program has brought to light some of the issues most of us aren't aware of in our community and highlighted the specific areas of others that we are aware of in our community.  Alongside bringing those issues into conversation, there has been great discussion about what it takes to tackle those issues.  Each meeting I can tell that the people in the room with me truly care about making this community better and helping those around us."

Dick Hester, Columbian Leadership Presenter
"It has truly been a pleasure to work with this inaugural Columbian Community Impact leadership class.  Observing these outstanding young Columbians develop their own leadership skills, and supporting one another in their developmen, has been a joy to experience.  I've no doubt in my mind that each new leader will take what they've learned and put it into action to create a true impact in our community. I'm anxious to see what they do individually, and collectively."