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Columbian Book Club

The Columbian Book Club reads and discusses nine books a year. After the discussion the group dines in the Crystal Terrace.  This Club within a Club is led by Columbian Sarah Guthrie Bright.  This group meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:30am.  They do NOT meet in July, August, or December.  RSVP is requested.

The 2024-2025 Reading List is announced!  CLICK HERE to view the Book Titles for this Book Club season.

CLICK HERE for the 2023-2024 selections

CLICK HERE for the 2022-2023 selections.

CLICK HERE for the 2021-2022 selections.

CLICK HERE for the 2020-2021 selections.

CLICK HERE for the 2019-2020 selections.

CLICK HERE for the 2017-2018 selections.

CLICK HERE to review a list of all the past titles enjoyed by this group since 2007.

Columbian Business Network

The Columbian Business Network capitalizes on its diverse member community to create a powerful networking, referral, and education group. We engage our community with private and public events, speaker series, board engagement, a Gala to raise money for the community, and many other opportunities to connect with Indy professionals. Read More

Columbian Veterans Association

Approximately 30% of the Club members are veterans. Retired military members gather for camaraderie and discuss military activities and programs.  Active duty military are always invited to join in with this lively group.  A variety of keynote speakers will address this distinguished Club of Columbians.  Columbian Ellis Noto leads this Club within a Club.  

Policy & Leadership Forum

The Policy and Leadership Forum is a lively group of bipartisan individuals whose conversation builds on the strong foundation of our heritage of public engagement.  We believe the Club, and the Forum, offer an inviting venue for Columbians and their guests to meet important individuals of influence around state public policy issues and various local and regional hot topics while we engage in stimulating, respectful conversations.

Wine Society

This club speaks to all of our wine enthusiasts.  Several wine dinners and tastings will be held throughout the year.  For those members interested in a personalized private wine locker in the Heritage Wine Cellar, you can reserve this for an annual fee, allowing you to enjoy wine from your locker during your Club visits.  Wine locker members receive additional perks such as complimentary wine tastings and reduced fees for other wine-related events hosted at the Club.  However, any Columbian who enjoys gaining knowledge about wine are invited to attend these festive gatherings.  This group is co-led by Columbians Daniel Fulmer and Dr. Miles Schroeder.

Harrison Society

The Harrison Society is the Club’s premier group for young professionals. The Society hosts monthly activities to show Columbian Pride, interact in a social environment, and build long lasting relationships. Though the Society focuses on members in their 20’s and 30’s, all Columbians are welcome to attend Harrison Society events.

Cliff Frost Society

Cliff Frost Society, in honor of fellow Columbian Mr. Clifford Frost, for cigar enthusiasts interested in exclusive cigar tastings and camaraderie on the Patio.